Sweden. Scotland. Sweden. Scotland. Sweden. Scotland. Sweden. Scotland.
I feel so at home in both countries. I miss Scotland and the people so much! I'd made myself such a great, big family over there. Everyone keeps asking me how it feels to be back, and I keep answering: "It's okay." How do you explain that you're completely torn in the question. I'm happy and unhappy at the same time. But I'm not unhappy either or happy either. I just really wish that I could be in two places at once.
But I'm really looking forward to move to Lund in a week and be close to some cousins and friends! Haven't properly seen them in a long time.
You know how I've been talking about becoming vegan. I won't. I was a bit fast and emotional when I said it. What I'm going to do is this; I'm staying vegetarian but try to make vegan food as much as possible for myself. My lactose intolerance is not that bad when it comes to dairy products in food and there is always lactose tablets. I'm not up for the hassle to go vegan. I can't take to much hassle at the moment.