torsdag 22 december 2016


Last week I applied for a break from my studying in Malmö. So happy about my decision. I'll finish this term though, so I officially end the 13th of Januari. One exam out of four is done for this course. I'm almost finished with the second one exam, the third one we've started and the fourth I can't really start on until we've completely decided what to use on the third exam.

So, now that I don't have any school in the spring I went, yesterday, to a job intervju. And today I signed the papers. Yay! Feels good and I'm excited and nervous to start working in January. But I will only be working during the spring. In the autumn I plan to apply to Kristianstad. I've heard its better there, the program.

What also happened yesterday was that Simon left with his family and friends of the family to Vietnam. They are going to be there over Christmas and New Years. So I'm not seeing him in three weeks. I'm happy for him, ofc, but I also miss him. Can't wait for him to be back so I can hug him really hard so I break his ribs. Not really, but I do wish that the time will fly fast so I can see him. Now we'll have to speak over the phone. I dislike talking on the phone, but at the same time I'm looking forward to it.
As much as I hate being away from each other I think it's a good thing too. It makes me realize how much i care for him and I can feel the butterflies in the pit of my stomach when I think about seeing him again.

Well, that's all for me. I have a headache that won't go away so I'll sleep it of now and tomorrow it's time for Christmas at my aunts place. Can't believe it's Christmas already..

söndag 11 december 2016


I tried talking a bit to much my teacher on Friday how I'm feeling about everything. It didn't go as well as I had hoped.. Tomorrow I will give it another shot and depending on how it goes I'm done. I can't take it anymore. I'm bored to death in that school and I can count on two hands what I have learned this term... It shouldn't be like that.. Crap school.

söndag 4 december 2016


Malmö Högskolas teaching programs sucks. At least now in the beginning. My choice of career I was really happy with in the beginning but now I doubt it. My school is awful and has made me doubt  what I'm doing. Also, the whole program is 3,5 years old and could easily be shorten with a semester (at least..). It's so much dead time just passing by. I have not done anything in three weeks. THREE WEEKS!! And I'm not even behind!! It's some kind of joke right?!?!
And when I've talked to teachers about it they just say that it's just the beginning of högskolan and they're taking it slow, I should be happy that it's easy and that I will get used to it.. BULLSHIT! And some classmates I've talked say it's sooo much to do, and they don't know how to keep up. Then for fudge sake they SHOULD NOT study at högskolan or university at all!!

I seriously can't get my head around this!! I've been trying to understand for three months now and I'm not even remotely close to a solution to this crap then I was my first week!
I studied at Lunds University last semester and it was completely the opposite! So much to do (and I loved it for most of the time), I had fun and was not even remotely bored (except maybe the grammar for a bit). Now? I'M BORED OUT OF MY MIND!! I so much rather have a bit to much to do then too little or more like nothing to do..

I'm gonna try to switch to Kristianstad Högskola instead. I'll have to travel a bit over two hours every day back and forth. But I've heard lots of good things about the school, so I think it will be worth a shot. Fingers crossed!

Last Friday we had to put our boxer, Signe, down.. She's been unwell for quite a while and it feels so weird and sad thinking about her not being around. She only became six years old and is buried next to her favorite stone.