lördag 13 februari 2016


Yesterday it was decided that I will stay in Sweden, Lund to be more precise, next semester too. Relief and excitment are two words that describe my feelings very well. It will be nice to finally settle down in some way, not always be on the go, and also to be able to enjoy the company of my friends around here for a longer period of time, not to mention have "regular" routines. My friends are excited, my brother is excited, the rest of my family is excited, I'm excited. All that is left is that I have to send one email. And then it's official.

The last few days I've been studying from 9-18 every day. Have a big exam next weekend and my friend is coming down to visit for a few days next week so I have to study a lot more now. But it's fine. It will be nice to have som days off in the middle of the week instead. I have, surprisingly, been very effective as well these last days. But today it's taking quite a lot of will power to focus. I'm taking a day off tomorrow, monday and tuesday is full days again and then on friday I will be looking through it all again. So I should be okay.

torsdag 4 februari 2016


I have to keep reminding myself that I've just lived here 4 weeks. I'm thinking quite a lot about what to do next. Especially in the autumn. I have something lined up but I'm so confused and unsure off if I should do it or not. I know it will be a great and very rewarding experience but at the same time it would be really nice to stay in one place for a a bit longer and get some more of a regular-routine-life. It is hard for me to settle down in one place for a longer period of time, there's just to much to see and do in life. Staying "to long" gives me the feeling of wasting time since I could discover new people and places instead. BUT at the same time it's hard to get a deeper relationship with people if I keep moving just when it takes that extra step. I have to remember that it will solve itself. God handles it. But it sadly doesn't stop me from worrying and spending hours and hours switching back and forth. 
Another thing that keeps nagging me is where I should study. Edinburgh or Lund? Lund or Edinburgh? Edinburgh? Lund? I have no fecking clue! You know, I feel really content and happy in both places. It's nice to have that feeling but it also makes the decision so much more harder. I know what my friends here want and I know what my friends in Scotland want. So in that way it doesn't really help, allthough it's nice to know that people like my abnormal personality traits and company.
It will be intresting to see who wins in the end. Lund or Edinburgh?!
(Don't have a picture of Lund yet so it will have to do with one of Edinburgh.) 

Soon I have a big 'fika' with the whole building and then after I'm going over to my cousins and there they have something called a "syjunta". Which is basically a bunch of friends getting together sewing, knitting, crocheing, playing games and chatting. My first time so I hope it's nice. But heard a lot good about it, so I'm not to worried.