torsdag 30 oktober 2014



  • Tea, hot choclate, smell of coffe beans
  • Books(!) - Romantic, criminal, coozy, sci-fi, etc.
  • Spend time with family and friends
  • A good and hard physical work day - I sleep so good after that
  • Food, cake and CHOCLATE - Mmmm
  • Listening to music, playing my instruments
  • A good nights sleep
  • Movies - Everything except scary movies
  • Fall and Winter 
  • The countryside
  • Democracy
  • Sweden - It's really beautiful. I really love that we have so distinct differences in our seasons. We have them all; winter, spring, summer, autumn.


  • Plastic - I realize it's impossible to avoid but I try to use it as little as possible. The biggest reason is 'cause of the enviroment. There is also other reasons like how your body react to plastic, all the toxis in it, etc. 
  • When it's to warm outside - You always start to sweat so much, and I don't know about you but I always start to smell bad.
  • How animals are raised for slaughter - Most of it is in the worst conditions and sircumstances, it takes so much energy that could be used for more important things and they're getting feed with so much crap!
  • Medical Industry - They give you medicine for your symptom and never go back to the actual cause, which usually is your nutrition. And every pill you get is FILLED with so much crap that your body can't take care of! I'm not saying that all medicine is crap, what my point is that hospitals give out TO MUCH. 
  • The social media's view on women - No wonder every other woman is feeling bad about themselves and especially young girls! H A T E  I T!
  • Commercials - "Buy this and you will become like this.", "You'll be happier if you have this.", "Complete your life with this.". Seriously, you will not under any circumstances be happier and feel good about yourself, in the long run, by having it.
  • Teenage marriage - Do I even have to explain why?
  • Poverty, war, dictatorship - The classic ones. 

fredag 24 oktober 2014


So here I am again.
Today I was supposed to work but after beeing sick I'm home instead. Later this afternoon I will take the bus to my cousin 'cause tomorrow it's time for a test for Univeristy. I'm not applaying for univeristy but it's always good to have done the test. In swedish it's called högskoleprov. It's kind of a special test, so not a regular one. And it also works a bit differently.

But however today I have been looking through my computer of pictures of me and Anni (for you that don't know who she is, she's my finnish friend who were in United States with me). It's not been to hard to find pictures, 'cause there's a lot! Like a lot, a lot. It's been a bit heartbreaking watching through them but also I've been laughing so hard 'cause were not like normal people togheter. In fact, were never like normal people, not even apart. I have never ever known anyone like her and she is THE weirdest and funniest friend I have. Here's a picture of the first concert we went to together. What a day! Miss her so much but we're hoping for a reunion in january!

måndag 20 oktober 2014


My beautiful, beatiful cousin. Love her so much and I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to live with her for 3 years. She really is something extraordinary! I wish everyone has someone like her in their lives!
I remember this day so well! It was a friday after school and I was going away for the weekend and had little time to go and see her and we just started goofing of as usual. She has this boxes in her room that she fills with stuff and out of nowhere we just took it out and started making funny faces and tried so hard to fit into this boxes. It was hilarious and we had such a good time. 
Yesterday I decided to text her and ask if I could come and visit, I'm not working tomorrow, and she answered that it would be lovely! So right now I'm on my way to spend the night with her. She makes me so happy! 

söndag 19 oktober 2014


My Christmas spirit is on top today! I seriously can't wait for Christmas to come! Mom is not fond of me putting up the advent candlestick, that I found in the storage today, but, mohaha, I love it and I am soon on my way to buy ginger thins to lift my christmas spririt to the next level.
As you can see above I have put a few more books on my piano, my current shelf. I got a book last week, The Fault In Our Stars, in swedish and since I already have that one, but in english, she gave me the receipt to change the book. I decided to find another one of John Green, Paper Towns. When I got to the store yesterday with my brother I found it pretty quickly and also another one by him, An Abundance Of Katherines, and decided pretty easily to take that one too. I don't really know what it's about, but since it's by John Green I expect it to be good.

This is where I have been spending most of my day. My "book shelf" (a few books missing that are in boxes and at my grandparents house), my tea, choclate, christmas music, advent candlestick and my piano as my desk (since I don't have an actuall desk right now)! My mood has been joined by the pouring rain outside. So it has been on of thoose days when you just enjoy beeing inside and can't imagine anything better to do with your time. And as I said before I am soon to eat my ginger thins dipped in milk.
I have a lot of people telling me it's to early for christmas music, but guys, it's only two months and a few days till christmas. TWO MONTHS! That's nothing, so I feel like I have the right to listen to it more seriously now.

Speaking of two months. It's exactly two months ago since I left Dullas Airport in Virgina to go home. The time really does fly and it scares me a bit and at the same time I love it. Can't wait to see what the last two and a half months of this year has to offer. Really looking forward to it!

Also I found today, while I was searching for my graduation box in the storage, a bag with books that I used to read when I was little. I got so nostalgic that I had to take them as well with me and they're so going up in my shelf, when I have one!

fredag 17 oktober 2014


As you probably noticed, in the first post, i wrote both in swedish and english. I will sometimes write just in swedish, sometimes just in english and if I have the time and energy I'll write in both. This 'cause I really enjoy both speaking and writing in English. I'm bad in both so why not just write in english, it's good practice.

I really, really enjoy speaking english. I miss speaking it. Everyday i expanded my vocabulary and I felt good about it. I would probably describe it as an inner satisfaction that I finally reached. I am now good at something that I never really considered myself good at. I admit, without hesitation, that I do not speak grammatically correct im any ways.

All my years in school I never wanted to have english lessons. I always liked english but there were so many of my classmates that were so good that I, unfortunately, felt much worse and insecure at my own skills.

Thank God, that thoose days seems to be over. Now I can enjoy it instead!

torsdag 16 oktober 2014


Giovanna Fletcher. 

This woman really knows how to write. She catches you quickly after just a few pages. Her books are very coozy and not to predictable. What I mean with that is that you can predict a few things but she also knows how to surprise you. It really is one of thoose authors that knows what the readers wants and manage to give them what they want. She is also doing vloggs on youtube, under the name of Giovannasworld. It's always a blast watching them 'cause she is funny and has a lot of humor.. If I ever were to meet her that would be the best!

I only, sadly, have the first book, Billy and Me. But I'm so planning on getting the other ones as well. The latest book of her, Christmas with Billy and Me, is coming out soon! Looking forward to read it and but the book in my nonexisting shelf. 

onsdag 15 oktober 2014


This house has been in our family since it was built in 1861. It's a small cottage with so much history! So right now we are the fifth generation living here. Mum hopes that one of us kids will take it over later on. Buuut there still not to old (under 50 both of them) and will be around for a long time. I know for sure that my mum won't leave until absolutely necessary and if she can prevent it, she definitely will!
It's kind of a lifelong process this house. There's a lot to be done in the garden, and all the land around that we owe, not to mention the house it self. Then we have the barn to of course. This past weeks I've been painting the foundationa at the barn white when I had the time, finally, and now I just want to fix the rest to.
My parents have decided that they want sheeps, so now they're building a sheep house. The sheeps are planned to be bought next year. Now we have 2 dogs, 3 cats, chickens, bees and soon sheeps. I would say we're coming up to have half a farm. Only cows, horses and pigs left. 

fredag 10 oktober 2014


..I drank to many cups of tea. 

A day, not so long ago. I was free from work. When I woke up in the morning I decided to drink a cup of tea to my breakfast. What I hadn't planned was that I was going to continue to drink tea thoughout the whole day, non stop. So by the end of the day I was up in about 12 cups. I should mention that my tea cup is a little bit bigger then a regular cup and I'm used to drinking only around 3-4 cups a day. Was this a good or a bad idea? Well, if you see to all the times I had to go to the bathroom and how my belly felt the next day, maybe not. If you see to how good it tasted and the satisfaction I got then my answer is definitely yes.

tisdag 7 oktober 2014


Här är jag igen fast på en annan sida och med en annan inriktning. Eller det beror väl lite på vilken inriktning man tänker på. Tänker ni på om det kommer fortsätta på ett flummigt och totalt vem-är-denna-personen-och-hur-tänker-hon-och-varför-skriver-hon-inte-mer-vettiga-saker-? sättet så har ni helt rätt.

Finns det några andra som tänker att ÄNTLIGEN hon kommer inte ha en massa stavfel längre eller särskriva ord! Mina kära vänner, detta kommer aldrig hända av den enkla anledningen att jag inte har någon lust att lära mig och aldrig haft en vettig svenska lärare mina sista år i skolan som bankat in det i huvudet på mig. En vacker dag kanske jag kommer vakna upp och inse att jag vill bli svenskalärare? (Detta kommer ju aldrig hända, men det var därför jag skrev kanske.) Vad gör jag då? Jo tar tag i min underbart fula skrivning och får försöka hitta någon röd tråd i allt nonsens som jag skriver och faktiskt får ta och börja formulera mig på ett vettigt humant sätt. Är väldigt säker på att man inte kan skriva så på svenska men just nu är jag ingen svenskalärare så då bryr jag mig nada!

Så vad jag skulle komma till i början av denna text var att min inriktsbytning är att jag inte kommer skriva om mitt USA liv (inslag kommer väl dock komma) för det är pase och jag är i Sverige och kanske några andra länder snart. Men det vet jag inte mer om än ni själva.

(Jag undrar om inriktsbytning är ett ord i svenska ordboken för min skärm säger mig att det inte existerar. Så nu klappar jag mig på axeln för att jag "kommit på" ett nytt ord.)

Får väl fortsätta med att försöka förklara min rubrik.
Jag satt uppe i natten och skypade med Sofia (min svenne i Chicago) och hon nämnde att hon tyckte jag skulle fortsätta blogga och nu om mitt liv tillbaks i Sverige. Min tanke då var ju nej. Eller för att vara mer ärlig ett njaa.. Det är rätt skönt att ha ett ställe att skriva av sig alla sina icke sammanhängande/konstiga tankar på. Så efter att ha gått och lagt sig alldeles för sent inatt och vakna 3 timmar senare, klockan 6 på morgonen, av en så HEJDUNDRANDE MENSVÄRK SÅ ATT MAN BARA VILL ÅKA GENOM GOLVET OCH DÖ SAMTIDIGT SOM MAN KRÄNGER CHOKLAD så bestämde jag mig för att jamenvisst jag kan väl skriva lite då och då.
Jag misstänker att det inte lär handla så mycket om livet hemma och vad jag gör utan mer om, ja, allt och ingenting och vad som finns däremellan.
Jag kommer definitivt inte vara någon regelbunden uppdaterare utan detta är mer för dig Sofia. Ska vi ge någon cred för att jag gör detta så är det till Sofia. Är det någon annan som av någon anledning blir glad av att jag börjar igen så tacka Sofia. Ja, jag gillar att skriva Sofia i varje mening. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia.

Nu får ni ha det så bra och tycker ni borde vänta med spänning på nästa inlägg för inte ens jag vet om vad det kommer skrivas om. Fast några världsnyheter lär det inte bli.

PS. Mensvärk är verkligen något av det jobbigaste som finns. Du vet aldrig hur ont du kommer ha och du vet aldrig när du får den. Man kan räkna ut på ett ungefär men det är bara ett ungefär! HUR i hela kalkonens värld ska ett UNGEFÄR hjälpa en?
Ni vet sådana armband där det står FUCK CANCER? Borde göra ett sådant där det står FUCK MENSVÄRK.

Here I am again but with different focus. Well, it depends on what kind of focus we are thinking about. If you are thinking that it is going to continue in the same mixed up way and totally who-is-this-person-and-how-is-she-thinking-and-why-is-she-not-writing-about-more-important-stuff-? then you are completely right.

If there is other people thinking FINALLY she will start writing grammatically right! My Dear friends, this will never happen by the simple reason that I am not intrested in learning and have not had a decent teacher my last years in school. Maybe one morning I will wake up and realize that I would like to become a teacher in Swedish? (This will never happen that is why I wrote maybe.) What will I do then? Well, then I will have to start taking care of my incredible ugly writing and and try to find a red tread in all the nonsense I am writing and start formulating myself in a correct way. But right now I am no teacher in language so I do not care at all!

So what I was going to come to in the beginning of this text is that my change of focus is not going to be about the States anymore (it may occur sometimes though) because that time is over and I am in Sweden now, and maybe in some other countries soon. But I do not know more about that than you do.

So to the topic of this post.
I sat up this past night skyping with Sofia (ma swedish gurl in Chicago) and she mentioned that she would like for me to continue blogging and now about my life back home. My first thought was no, but to be more honest a nyeee.. It is pretty nice to have a place where you can write all your weird thoughts.
So after going to bed waaay to late and waking up 3 hours later, at 6 am, by a TREMENDOUS MENSTRUAL CRAMPS SO I JUST WANTED TO SINK THROUGH THE FLOOR AND DIE WHILE EATING CHOCLATE I decided that I can write sometimes.
I am pretty convinced that it will not be so much about my life home but more about, well, everything and nothing and the things in between.
I will definintily not be a regular updater 'cause this is more for Sofia sake. Should we give credit to someone for this it is Sofia. If someone gets happy 'cause I start writing again you should give your thanks to Sofia. Yes, I like writing Sofia in every sentence. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia. Sofia.

Now, have a good time and I think that you should wait with eager for the next update 'cause not even I know what it is going to be about. Though it will probably not be some world news.

PS. Menstrual cramps are really one of the hardest things that there is. You never know how much pain you will be in and you never know when you will get it. You can count out approximate time you will get it but that is only APPROXIMATE TIME! HOW is that going to help you know?
You know the bracelets that says FUCK CANCER? I should make one that says FUCK PERIODS.