onsdag 2 november 2016


After walking around the last few weeks with people being sick here and there it has finally caught up with me. My nose is stuffed, my head aching, my throat burns and my body temperature can't settle on just one temperature. BUT I managed to get to school on all days this week. With all days I mean monday-wendsday. I now have nothing until Monday and the paper is handed in today (few days early) and the presentation today went well! The next course doesn't start until Monday. YAY! So now I can finally be sick! Feels good. Not being sick of course but being able to lie in in the morning and lie there all day to just recover.

Oh, on Monday I also went to see the Pope in the arena in Malmö. Simon had got me a ticket (he was way more interested than I was). So now I have seen Pope Francis and this was also the first time that the Pope has ever set his foot in Sweden. Feels quite cool. I didn't even have to go to Italy to see him at the balcony. Instead I looked down on him from where I sat. Haha. It was quite a nice event, and some of the acts in between was really good. Liked especially the Tensta Gospel (from Stockholm) and the Circus act. In the program it also said Samuel Ljungblahd, but he never showed up.. Was a bit disappointed. He probably had to cancel in last minute. Well, I did see him this summer.

Anyways, I think it might be time for some ice-cream to calm down my throat.
Ps. I WANT SNOW! (It snowed in Jönköping last night! My friend send me a few snaps and I'm just a bit jelaous..)

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