söndag 18 oktober 2015


It is now decided that I will go home during Christmas and not come back afterwards. I will ofc come back but just to visit. It was a hard decision to make. I love Scotland and the family is amazing but at the same time I want to live in Lund with my brother, cousins and friends and study a wee course at uni. So after a lot(!) of thinking I've finally decided that it's Sweden for me in the spring. It is a bitter decision. I have a wee Scot inside of me! And I don't mean a baby, haha. Quite a few people has mentioned it to me, that I actually am a half Scot. For example; I LOVE rugby, don't mind rain at all and -it might not have anything to do with it really - but my favorite English accent is Scottish! There are other factors to it as well, how I act to things and think, but just to mention a few.
It will be lots and lots of tears when I go and a part of me will be left here. I will really miss Scotland!!

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