lördag 6 juni 2015


Haven't realized that it's been a few days since I wrote here last time. Time really does fly! I'm having such a good day. It's been a bit weird days lately, but in a good way. On thursday I was really confused, and I still am over what happened. I won't go in on it, it's a bit personal, but lets just say I'm confused. Still to figure out it means and I'm supposed to do. My guess is that it will take a while, but that's okay.

Otherwise we have finally been starting to have some good days with nice weather. It's been raining most time today but it cleared up later on in the afternoon, and when I went out for a walk with two friends around the hills we almost blew away!! It was soo windy up at the Golf Hill!
The Golf Hill a few months back.
This morning the last piece of last weeks crumble was eaten so in the afternoon I decided to make some more rhubarb and strawberry crumble. It's really a hit with everyone here. I'm really pleased! I'm happy I'm able to convert more people into my all time favorite crumble! I didn't take anything earlier, been savint myself for tonight.
I'm looking after the kids tonight (they're sleeping right now) while Anna and Iain is out celebrating Anna's birthday (that was 2 months ago). We've just not come around to it. We have all been sick and there's been so much going on for them on the weekends. I'm just happy I can help out.

Apperantly it's the Swedish National day today. I didn't realize until Anna mentioned it to me. Haha, that's how important it is to me.

Anita also has gotten chicken pox right now so I'll be home with her all week. We'll see how it goes, Hopefully it's not to itchy! But I'll be working extra this week.

Now I'm off to see a movie, eat some crumble, popcorn and take a glas of wine or a pint of Strongbow. Haven't decided witch yet.

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