lördag 6 december 2014


Weekend. How wonderful.
After work me and my sister were at my grandparents house and made some dinner, watched Chocolate (in the morning I really wanted to watch some movie with Johnny Depp and I'm on my period and wanted chocolate, so the perfect movie to see) and had some dessert. Was a good evening with a lot of fun! After Chocolate we watched some M*A*S*H. It's a tv-show and if you haven't seen it, you should check it out! It's hilarious! Then something happend with the DVD-player so we started watching The Big Bang Theory. Love Sheldon.

Today we went out to find a Christmas tree to the porch and one for the living room. My youngest sister wants one for her room so we went on a search for a small christmas tree. She was quite funny 'cause she was acting all grown up saying "This one is WAY to tall.", "This one is WAY to big.", "I can't have this one 'cause it's NOT big enough.", and so on. Couldn't help but laugh. She's to funny.

Right now I'm drinking tea and Julmust (swedish christmas soda). It's really good! I'm on my second cup of tea. My tea cup had turned all brown inside so I had to take a paus in my drinking to clean it 'cause it bothered me. I put some boiling hot water in it and then a bit of bicarbonate and left it there for around 20-30 minutes. It just feel of, all the brown stuff. So now it's the color it's supposed to be again. Yay!

I think I might start watching the serie Doctor Who. Been hearing quite a bit about it so I'll give it a try and see if I like it. Allthough following a serie takes a lot of time, Especially if there already is 8 seasons out. But I'll give it a go.

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