söndag 14 december 2014


In my whole life I've only seen two shooting stars. Two. Everyone else have seen countless of them and don't really think it's a big deal. But it is, at least for me. Shooting stars are darn cool!
So yesterday night there was supposed to be a lot of shooting stars until midnight. Me and one of my sisters took some blankets and layed down on the grass and looked up in the sky while eating fudge. Wow, the sky was just amazing and I felt so tiny while looking up. But it was so cool!

I ended up seeing 7 shooting stars! SEVEN! THAT was cool! I saw small ones, big ones, short ones and huge ones. It was so COOL! And I made a wish on every one of them! I've never told anyone about my wishes (even though my first two wishes already have come true) and never will. They will always and forever just be in my mind.

SHOOTING STARS ARE SO COOL!! I wanna learn the dirfferent star pictures. I think that would be really cool to know, while my sister didn't think it was as cool as I did.

I just realized that the word cool has been used maybe to much now. So from now on I will write OLOC instead. That's so OLOC! Haha!

This is kind of what it looked like. Pretty oloc right?!

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