söndag 19 april 2015


Forgot to share my latest piercing with you guys yesterday. This creation happend on friday and I'm really happy I finally dragged my but out to do it and it was really, really cheap! Only £15! When I did my nose ring in october(?) it costed me around £34. If I ever think about taking another one I know where to go. But I feel like I'm done with piercings now. Don't want to be covered in them.
It turned out to be quite and experience to take this one. I almost ended up fainting. Never happend to me before (well, I have fainted but not 'casue of taking a piercing). But I got a lot of water afterwards and a lollipop. So a few minutes later I was ok.

I aslo finally(!) boutght a new, better nose ring. The one that I've had has been a tad to big and it was broken as well. So hopefully it will heal for real now. It's been back and forth all the time. Sometimes it's healed and then I do something and I have to go through the procedure again of healing it. 

Did I mention that I've got tickets to go home over Midsummer? I did, sorry. Just had to say it again.
BTW! Today I've been in Scotland for 3 months. 8 months more to go! It's going to pass so fast.

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