torsdag 6 november 2014

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

I LITERALLY can't wait for the last Hobbit to come out! I'm a HUGE fan of both Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit!
The books are great, not the best ones I've read I admit, but they're still so enchanting that it keeps you going on and makes you go through the more dull parts as well. And in the end it's so worth it! But this is just the LOTR books not The Hobbit. That book is not as dry. It's an easier language so it's easier to read and it's funny. Not in like a comdy kind of way, but still funny. I really recommend you to read The Hobbit. If you really like LOTR you should read thoose books too. You will understand so much more and get a lot of things described for you. 

The movies, OMG, don't even get me started. Peter Jackson succeeds time after time! And I'm 110% certain that he won't fail me this time either! The movies are absolutely splendid! Ofc, they're not completely after the books, but what movie is? Does it makes the movie less good? NO FREAKING WAY!!
Then we have Howard Shore (he did the music in the movies). (I'm a person who cannot watch a movie without listening to the music as well, it defines if the movie is good or not. Good music = I'll like it more. Bad music = The movie will fall in my eyes.) So Howard Shore is a complete GENIOUS(!!!!!) and should be given tons of rewards for his magnificent compositions. Without him the movies would not gone far. And I'm beeing completely honest. 
The actors are great as well and I can't think about anyone else suited for the rolls better than the ones that are acting. Aragorn, Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry, Legolas, Gimli, Gollum, Rosie, the Orcs, etc. Such a perfect cast!


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