onsdag 5 november 2014


Here we go.

I came across Carrie Hope Fletchers blog today, didn't know she had one. I've been watching her videos on youtube - ItsWayPastMyBedTime - for a while. You guys should check her out. I'm always in the run for new books to read and she suggest some really good ones!
But however, what I wanted to come to is that I read her latest post and I just wanted you guys to read it to, 'cause it touches something (for me) very important.
So many people are occupied about how everyone else see them and how they see themselves and forget to be happy and live their lives. It's not a bad thing, everyone strives to be liked in some way or another. So read this, you may not agree, but that's fine.

You ARE A Soul

“You don’t have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.” - C.S. Lewis
I read this quote earlier this week and I had to sit back for a little while, in the chair of my dressing room, looking at it on the screen. “Celinde” I said in disbelief and nudged Celinde Schoenmaker, Les Mis’ current Fantine who I have the pleasure of sharing a dressing room with and sit directly next to, to get her attention and then gestured towards the screen. She made a noise of approval and also sat with me for a moment in pondering silence. 
We, human beings, constantly talk about finding soulmates, soul searching and doing what makes our soul happy but then we also harp on about calories, how many pounds we’ve shed or gained, how frizzy our hair is, how much our nail beds suck… There’s absolutely NOTHIING wrong with wanting to look your best. I did my make-up before leaving the house this morning. As I do every morning. I colour co-ordinated my outfit too. I want more tattoos. Having an opinion on how you look and wanting to change things about your appearance isn’t a bad thing. It becomes a bad thing when it consumes our lives and we forget about our souls. Our body is just the casing. It’s the wrapper on the chocolate bar. It’s paper on the birthday presents. It’s the bit that we coat in make-up, tattoos, pretty clothes, jewellery and hairspray to make ourselves feel more at home in our own skin. But what’s the point in decorating a house if no one lives there? What’s the point in an exciting wrapper if the chocolate bar tastes like crap? Why wrap up a present in ribbons and paper if there’s nothing in the box? It’s our soul that is the most important thing. If our souls aren’t happy then it doesn’t matter how great our shells look. If we aren’t happy, that unhappiness will seep through that shell no matter how much we try to hide it. On the flip side, if we don’t think our bodies look the best, our happy soul will shine through that shell regardless and you’ll glow far brighter than the people who have glammed up their shells to the max but whose souls lay forgotten, shrivelled and dying on the inside. 
You ARE a soul. You HAVE a body. Do with your body what you wish. It’s your body after all and it’s hugely important but it’s home to your soul. You don’t decorate the fish bowl with plants, models of castles and treasure chests and pebbles and let the fish die, do you? So decorate as much as you wish but make sure you feed the fish! 
Here is her blog alliknownow.

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